a date with Sam

While in the Carolinas I had the chance to catch up with an old college friend, Missy, who had just had a baby. Little Samuel was almost exactly three months old when I took these pictures - and boy was he a challenge! I had no idea how limp noodle babies can be at that age! We tried propping, holding, harnessing (no, not really), laying down, sitting up, and on it went - from naked to adorable Halloween costume (he was a lion) to dressed in his Christening best. There are some that are pretty good (like my favorite above), some that are clear we're trying desperately to keep him from slouching, and some that are just plain cutie pie.

While mom showered, Sam and I spent some quality time together (he was napping in my lap as I channel surfed), but even for that half hour it was clear to me how much of a challenge motherhood can be. There's the part where you really need someone else to be there in order to find the time and have the peace to take a shower, and the part where they're passed out in your lap so you can't reach for anything outside short arm's length lest you disturb this peacefully blissful bundle into riots of screaming, and then there's the simple fact that the day is one long repetition of events; changing, feeding, burping, playing, napping, changing, feeding..... you get the idea. And while Sam was certainly a good baby, and I am sure some day I will be a good mother to my own child, I'm not ready yet. But it was fun to play. And I am positive, beyond a doubt, that when it's my turn, my child will be one of the most photographed in the county....because despite the challenges, I was hard pressed even in this one afternoon on my date with Sam not to focus in on every adorable moment.
Me holding Sam - do I look awkward or what? : )

more of Sam


What a lot of personality in this little guy! He's adorable.

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