Sunset Beach, CA

I like to tell stories. Not the kind full of lies or half truths. And not the wordy, prolific, philosophical kind (though I do lean that way on occasion). I like to tell stories with more than words. To, with humor, poignancy and maybe a little tilt towards the unusual, show you something with more impact than words. I like to tell the true story, the story as I see it, with photos. I capture as I see it. I convey a sense of the moment. I try to help you feel like you're there, even if you'd be looking at something totally different if you were there with me. My choices of location are not always typical. My choices of subject matter are not always usual. But the message is the same. Here is a place. Here is a moment. What do you see?


L. Diane Wolfe said…
Beautiful photos, Jackie!

And the one of the couple... oh my!

L. Diane Wolfe

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