Day Two - Doors {7 days, 7 photos, 7 stories}

They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul.

For me, doors are the gateway to mine.

Whenever I go, wherever I am, whoever I am meant to become, it will always be doors. Doors that are closed but are meant to be opened. Doors that are opened that cannot be closed. Doors that should maybe be closed but instead remain slightly ajar, waiting for the right time and place to be flung open wide to the deep blue sky and the story untold. The mystery lies in what quietly bides, just out of reach, for the decision to be made. The decision to open, to close, to look but not touch, or to walk resolutely by.

How might your life be altered if you choose one door over another? Could you bypass the right door? Or could that have been the best thing you never had? Will you ever actually know the answer? Not likely. And so, as we do, we press ever onward; choosing, closing, opening, and walking in the only direction that seems to work - forward and through.


Cláudia said…
Great Post! Love It!

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