Day Six: Perspective {7 days, 7 photos, 7 stories}
You are unique. No one else in this world is like you are. And no one could ever replace you. You are you. Maybe you're not quite the person you want to be, yet. Maybe you are still on your journey - trying to discover the real you. Maybe you have arrived. But you are who you are meant to be. And embracing that is perhaps the only way to ever fully become.
Because I am who I am, and my perspective is mine and mine alone, every image that I take, every word that I speak, every thought that I have, is mine. It may initially have been something I found, heard, was inspired by, thought to try on for size, but once it was run through the filter of the person that I am, it becomes changed. Altered. Something unlike anything else. It is influenced by my past, by my present, by my opinions and quirks and inner self. And it is, therefore, uniquely and wholly mine.
They say everything has been done before. Every idea has been had. Every thought has been thunk. But I think they (whoever they are) are wrong. Because there are as many new ideas and new perspectives as there are people on this earth. If you are true to yourself, if you do not copy ideas and regurgitate thoughts but instead take what you find and make it your own, then you are well on your way. And no one can stop you.
This photo above is about perspective. It's about seeing something that lots of other people saw but making it my own. Is it an eye? Is it a staircase? Is it both? What do you see through the filter of the person you are? And how might you have done it differently?
Find perspective today. Take an idea and make it your own. Share it with someone who matters.