A Change in the Wind

We move. A lot.

Every three years we pull up roots and haul our worldly goods to the setting for our next adventure with no choice and no idea where that will be, ever at the will of the wind and its many changing moods.

And adventure is always what we get.

In June it was that time again. And from the muggy, tropical environs of South Georgia we packed up and drove across the country, preparing for a deep breath of hot, dry Arizona desert air. And in so doing, we also got rolling violent monsoon thunderstorms, tall stately Saguaro - guardians of wide open spaces, whirling swirling dust devils and a whole slew of interesting creatures and mountain top views that took that hot dry desert breath away and replaced it with clean, cool crisp air 8000 feet up.

In short - we got amazing. And we're enjoying every second.

So here's a first glimpse at the scenery, just taken here and there when my camera was handy. If you want to see more, definitely check out my Instagram feed where I post almost daily from my always-on-hand iPhone : http://instagram.com/jacquelynnbuck#


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