
Go down by the river. Where it's cool and calm. Where the breeze blows just enough to evaporate the beads of perspiration from your heated skin after the long walk. The leaves, with their hint of fall, fall at your feet, crinkly and crisp. White birds of flight land and spread their wings. The gurgle and rush of water over the rocks is soothing and refreshing under the shade and in the shadow of the tall, hot city that is Columbia. Riverscapes. River scapes. River Escape. Just escape. and breathe.

from the bridge above you can see the city

hanging with my friends Rebecca and Hanna


gina marie said…
jackie...I see you have been hit by the spamminators. Change your settings so people have to enter in the code to leave a message.

Nice work! I love the shot of the girl on her bike on that bridge...beautiful!
Rich said…
It's amazing what black and white can do. Also, I still love those shots where you capture your own shadow.

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